Roman Art
versione italiana
In the Vlllth Century b.C. on the Campidoglio was created a new
society, with new buildings surrounded bu gigantic walls and houses,
inspired by the Etruscan Art.
During the Republic Period the
sculptures and all the architectonic buildings and temples in Rome
were more inspired by the Greek Culture than by the Etruscan one (materials,

The houses were significantly
similar to the Etruscan and Greek Buildings; the were formed by the
Peristilio, and they were decorated with wall paintings on their
inside (Frescoes, Encasto or Tempera).
The Roman wall paintings during the
llnd Century were made with bright colors, while during the lst
Century the aim of the paintings was to make the space seem a lot
bigger. (The illusion of open Spaces was obtained with a tecnique
called “Trompe l’oeil”).
In the same period the Roman
sculpture was characterized by the use of the Marble; the sculptors
abandoned the Etruscan Style and prefered the Greek one.
The Emperor Augusto introduced the
concept of monumentality like a symbol of power.
The Emperors Tiberio, Claudio,
Nerore created the “Imperial Houses”: Domus Tiberiana, Domus Aurea,
which reached incredible dimensions.
The Flavi’s family ordered a
monumental renovation of Rome, after the disaster occured with the
fire caused by Nerone; Vespasiano, Tito and Domiziano ordered the
creation of the Coloseum. The Coloseum was a huge building created
with three main styles: Tuscanico, Ionico and Corinzio.
Traiano and Adriano introduced the
“Arte Romano-Imperiale” whose some of the greatest examples are:
“Foro di Traiano”, a market; “Basilica Ulpia”, divided in a latin
library and agreek one; “Colonna di Traiano”, a huge column of 36 m.
which represents the victories of Traiano against the Daci.
The greatest monument of the
imperial period is the Pantheon (118-125 a.C.) that was built after
the Agrippa’s temple was completely destroyed. The temple is made of
sixteen columns of Egyptian Granito, on the front side it has a
triangular timpano. The huge dome has a hole in the middle.
Adriano introduced in Rome an
internation sense of style, like in the “Villa di Tivoli”.
Settimio Severo (933-211) and
Caracalla (211-217) refused the classic style and adopted a new
sense of art called the “Arte Barocca Romana”.
The urban system was largely
rebuilt, with shipyards near the river Tevere and new Baths.
The need of big fortification walls
around the city erased from a serious political situation (260 a.C.).
When the Christianity started to
become popular in Rome (Editto di Milano, 313 a.C.), the glourius
artistic activity had already ended.
The first Christian Churches were
very classic and inspired by the classi-pagan myths.
In the Vth Century developed the
very last expression of Paleochristian Art, with the Catacombs, that
were tunnels extended for 150km or more for the setting of death